Raw Virgin Human Hair - A Closer Look

In recent years, an increasing number of people have begun to use raw virgin hair wigs as well as hair extensions. Some of them wear it as a necessity, while others wear it as a fashion statement. There are numerous raw hair wigs and extensions on the market. Raw virgin human hair are among new favorites and here's why:
Raw virgin hair is the best in the market. Raw hair looks very natural and also blends in well with natural hair that is fine or thick depending on the donor. With proper care, raw human hair can last up to 5 years.
What is raw hair?
Raw hair is hair which has not been changed by chemical or steam processes. The hair has also not been subjected to any heat treatments. It is the purest kind of hair available and can last for several years if properly cared for. Raw hair is only available in straight, curly or wavy styles because it is not processed in any way, including with steam. The majority of donors come from Cambodia and India but more donor areas are emerging like Southeast Asia and Vietnam. If you want a more specific kind of wave or curl like a deep wave or kinky curly, you should consider steamed virgin hair products which are non- chemically steamed.
What Are Most Popular Raw Hair Types?
• Raw Indian. Raw Indian hair is especially popular and preferred by clients, and it typically comes in dark to lighter brown shades, which could be advantageous if you need to incorporate it with lighter-colored natural hair.
• Raw Cambodian. This hair is quite full body and also most recognized to have curlier styles available.
Raw Hair Under The Microscope
Raw hair always has a beautiful non-uniform straight, curly or waving pattern. The hair color may also vary slightly. Run a few strands of Raw Indian hair in between your fingers to ensure its quality. The hair strand must always feel smooth going downwards in the path of hair growth, but there should be some resistance moving your fingers in the reverse direction. This resistance indicates that the cuticle is there and has not been removed.
Characteristics Of Raw Virgin Hair
Here are a few of the features that make raw virgin hair stands out:
1. There is no mechanical, chemical, or steam processing.
2. Very High-quality hair
3. Natural appearance
4. Long-lasting
5. voluminous and full
6. There is no uniform straight, wave or even curl pattern.
7. All cuticles are in place.
8. There are a few exclusive patterns available
9. Can be styled in a range of ways
How to Care for Raw Virgin Hair
When it comes to raw hair bundles, maintenance is crucial because durability is entirely dependent on how we care for the hair. Here are a few raw virgin hair care tips.
1. Washing
It is critical to co-wash the single donor raw hair before installation and to wash it once a week or no more than 2 weeks after installation. However, for other hair categories, it might not be a required step. It is the most important when it comes to raw hair. This will aid in the removal of sweat and oil from your scalp that has accumulated on the hair extensions. To avoid gradual damage, it's recommended to use natural and Argon Oil/Moroccan Oil rich shampoos and conditioners.
2. Spa and Conditioning
It is critical to deep condition raw virgin hair after each wash. Always rinse your raw Indian hair thoroughly with lukewarm water. Apply conditioner to wet hair and comb it gently until the conditioner is saturated. Allow it to sit for at least 30 mins, then thoroughly rinse the raw hair with a sulfate-free or alcohol-free shampoo. Ensure you use the high-quality shampoo and conditioner.
3. Maintain Moisturization
To keep your hair moisturized, you should moisturize them frequently. It is especially important to keep your raw hair bundles moisturized because the hair loses its natural nutrients when it is tonsured or cut from the head. As a result, you should always provide it with proteins and vitamins from outside sources. The best way to keep the frizz at bay is to use a light hair serum.
4. Combing and Brushing
Understanding how to brush raw human hair the correct way can help avoid breakage and damage. It could also keep your hair smooth and tangle-free. Aside from brushing your raw virgin hair, you could also brush with a wide-tooth paddle brush to ensure less breakage and shedding. Brush it frequently and once you're willing to do that daily, your hair will be so much cleaner and you'll always be prepared to style it for the day. Remember, use a wide-tooth brush regardless of any hair length or hair texture.
Raw virgin human hair are of high quality, so your hair will look great every time you wear it. It is usually of higher quality, but it is also is more expensive... but well worth it. Shopping for raw virgin hair is not as simple as it appears and it comes in a few colors and textures, which can be confusing. However, if you are looking to purchase the best quality hair with greater durability, our raw virgin human hair selections fit the bill. We would love to assist in your inquiry or purchase and we know you'll love the quality that is definitely well worth the investment.
Contact us for more info!
From one hair lover to another.... XOXO